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Clinical Specialties

Obstetrics & Gynecology

A solution suite designed for teaching and learning the full spectrum of OB-GYN practices, from performing a transvaginal ultrasound exam to delivering a baby with shoulder dystocia

Childbirth can be one of the happiest–and most harrowing–experiences.

Ensure your learners are ready to provide the best possible care with our OB-GYN solutions, featuring simulation enhancements for added realism, ultrasound skills trainers for the development of essential psychomotor and cognitive skills, and a high-fidelity patient simulator designed to deliver the full scope of obstetric emergencies.

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Our Obstetrics and Gynecology Solutions


Lucina delivers an all-in-one simulation experience. Designed to demonstrate both gravid and non-gravid scenarios, this wireless manikin comes with a fetus to teach proper prepartum, labor, delivery and postpartum care as well as a non-gravid abdomen for clinical situations unrelated to maternity.

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With the Vimedix OB-GYN configuration, learners can practice using ultrasound to perform standard obstetric calculations and fetal measurements. The OB-GYN package includes more than 50 pathologies for the first and second trimesters (8, 12 and 20 weeks) as well as the complete maternal anatomy, including an animated heart, for a patient in her second trimester.

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Enhance realism and increase competency for pre- and post-labor experiences with Medicor, skills trainers made to help learners determine uterine size, practice episiotomy suturing and identify hemorrhoids.

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Blue Phantom

Become proficient at ultrasound-guided OB-GYN procedures with our Blue Phantom suite of products. These ultrasound trainers provide practice for performing ultrasound exams, completing the cordocentesis procedure for umbilical blood sampling and doing an ultrasound-guided amniocentesis.

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