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Nos marques

Des produits éducatifs fondés sur la simulation qui accélèrent l’apprentissage, augmentent la sécurité des patients, renforcent la formation et améliorent les soins aux patients.

La simulation est l’un des moyens les plus efficaces et les plus sûrs de préparer les professionnelles/professionnels de la santé aux moments importants.

À Elevate Healthcare, nous fournissons un écosystème de solutions intégrées de formation en soins de santé fondées sur la simulation qui enseignent aux apprenants comment traiter les patients, gérer les situations critiques et, surtout, réduire les erreurs.

Nos solutions accélèrent l’apprentissage, accroissent la sécurité des patients, améliorent la formation et les soins aux patients.

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Notre portefeuille de marque comprend
Simulateurs de patients
Simulation d’échographie
Simulation d’intervention
Gestion de centre
Apprentissage immersif et numérique


Simulateur de patient adulte pour soins préhospitaliers et pour soins infirmiers
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A mobile, durable emergency-care medical manikin built for the rigors of trauma training
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A pediatric patient simulator for assessing and addressing a range of conditions
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Blue Phantom

Ultrasound skills trainers that bridge the gap between theory and practice using diagnostic imaging
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A medical manikin so real, it truly breathes, delivering realistic patient responses for immersive learning
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A blended training solution that advances ultrasound learning, increases knowledge retention and shortens time to competency
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A patient simulator designed to enhance and improve clinical nursing skills, from task training to advanced patient care
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A customizable, fully scalable all-in-one solution that streamlines and simplifies key simulation center management activities, hybrid learning solution
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Deliver an immersive prepartum and postpartum training experience with this advanced maternal simulator designed for everything from everyday care to difficult deliveries
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This small but powerful patient simulator supports training for neonatal care, from nursing skills to resuscitation
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Maestro Embody

Self-directed virtual learning that delivers a true-to-life, clinical experience anytime, anywhere
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Maestro Evolve

Instructor-led virtual learning that delivers realistic clinical education, regardless of learner location
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True-to-life skills trainers and simulation enhancements that help learners master the fundamentals of patient care
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Standard and portable medical equipment that expands clinical training
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Customized Ultrasound Education to Meet Diverse Training Needs
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SMART Manikin

Self-directed learning for lifesaving education is easier than ever with the SMART manikin. Available in adult and infant versions, the SMART manikin will allow a simple solution to complete many skills assessments.
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SimPort is Elevate Healthcare’s gateway to managing and delivering your Elevate Healthcare simulation resources. It is the entry point to the Elevate Healthcare digital ecosystem.
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Unlock the full potential of scenario creation and management with SimCreate, an expert application to easily author your simulation content.
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