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Increase the value, relevance and realism of your Elevate Healthcares products with manufacturer-recommended accessories

3M Crico Tape (1 Roll)

Part No: 252KK00019
3M tape to add realism to the feel of performing a ricothyrotomy procedure.

Airway Obstruction Assembly

Part No: 253K649200
This replacement laryngospasm assembly includes a syringe and tubing.

All Terrain Samsung Tablet Case

Part No: 031KK00032
A replacement Samsung case.

Arm Sleeve

This is a replacement arm sleeve for an intravenous or noninvasive blood pressure arm.

Articulated Left Arm

A left arm that articulates at the elbow and wrist. Designed for use with all configurations of Ares and Juno.

Articulated Right Arm

A right arm that articulates at the elbow and wrist. Designed for use with all configurations of Ares and Juno.

Basic Wound Kit

This basic wound kit includes a thigh wound, thigh suture, ventrogluteal decubitus ulcer and dorsogluteal ulcer. Designed for use with Juno.

Black Netting liter 80"x24”

Part No: 903KK00012
A black netted liter for lifting or moving an Elevate Healthcare patient manikin.

Breast Exam Kit

Part No: 147K601400
Teach and learn how to recognize breast disorders using these breast inserts with configurable nodules.

Carotid Pulse Assembly

Part No: 253K609200
A replacement carotid pulse assembly with syringe and tubing.

Complete Wound Kit Ares

This wound kit contains eight wounds, including thigh wound, thigh bite, thigh debridement, foot skin tear, diabetic foot with toe infection and heel ulcer, varicose bein leg with statis ulcer, below-knee amputation leg.

Complete Wound Kit Juno

This wound kit includes a thigh wound, thigh suture, ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal ulcers, thigh bite wound, thigh debridement, abdominal incision with staples and penrose drain site, abdominal incision with dehiscence, abdominal subcutaneous injection pad, foot with skin tear, diabetic foot with toe infection and heel ulcer, lower leg with varicose veins and stasis ulcer, below-knee amputation stump, infected stoma. Designed for use with Juno.

Crico Plug

Part No: 104K642300
A replacement cricothyrotomy plug for use with select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

Deltoid Injection Pad

A replacement intramuscular injection pad for the deltoid site.

Dorsogluteal Injection Pad

A replacement intramuscular injection pad for the dorsogluteal site.


Learn to recognize breast disorders using these two breast inserts with configurable nodules ranging in size from 10 mm to 20 mm.

Female Genitalia

Female genitalia for the gender conversion of select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

Fundus Assessment Kit

Learn fundus assessment and massage skills, using customizable uteri (different heights, boggy or firm). This kit includes a postpartum vagina with elongated genitalia as well as swelling, second-degree midline episiotomy and a thrombosed external anal hemorrhoid. Also includes boggy and firm uteri.

Humeral IO Pad

A replacement intraosseous injection pad for the humerus of select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators

Injection Pad Kit

A replacement injection pad kit featuring two IV pads, two deltoid pads, two thigh pads, one ventrogluteal pad and one dorsogluteal pad.

IV Injection Pad, Elbow

A replacement IV injection pad for the antecubital site of Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

IV Injection Pad, Hand

A replacement IV injection pad for the dorsum of the hand to use with Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

IV Replacement Tubing Kit

Part No: 268KK00103
Clear replacement tubing for IV injection pads. Designed for use with Ares and Juno.

Left IV Arm

A replacement intravenous arm (left).

Left Leg

A replacement leg that articulates at the knee and ankle (right).

Maestro Conversion (with router) for Apollo

Part No: 147K354900
A software and router to convert the Apollo operating system from Muse to Maestro for units without a MikroTik or GL-iNET router

Maestro Conversion for Apollo

Part No: 147K354200
Software to convert the Apollo operating system from Muse to Maestro

Maestro Conversion for Athena

Part No: 147K521000
Software to convert the Athena operating system from Muse to Maestro

Maestro Conversion for Lucina with SymEyes

Part No: 147K473500
Software to convert the Lucina operating system from Muse toMaestro

Maestro Standalone license (manual mode)

Part No: 881K000300
Run Maestro without a patient simulator using this standalone license in manual mode. Instructors can develop content, review session logs, assess learners and more.

Male Genitalia

Male genitalia for the gender conversion of select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

Microsoft Surface Pro 6

Part No: 253KK00105
Micosoft Surface Pro 6

Mid Fidelity Soft Sided Rolling Bag

A soft-sided rolling bag designed for use with mid-fidelity Elevate Healthcare simulators, such as Ares and Juno.

Neck Skin Band

Replacement skin for the neck of select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

New OLED Eye Assembly

Part No: 253K521100
A StethoSym unit for the auscultation of patient simulator sounds.

Physiology Upgrade for Ares Simulator

Part No: 881K000600
This upgrade to the Ares' Maestro Standalone license features our unique physiological model, which drives automatic and realistic patient behavior.

Physiology Upgrade for Juno Simulator

Part No: 881K601000
A Physiology upgrade for the Juno Simulator

Physiology Upgrade for Luna Simulator

Part No: 881K560000
A Physiology upgrade for the Luna Simulator

Physiology Upgrade for Maestro Standalone

Part No: 881K000400
This license upgrades Maestro Standalone with a Physiology option to drive automatic, realistic patient behavior, helping instructors create better simulations with less effort.

Post Mastectomy Kit

A simulation enhancement that shows a post-operative left total masectomy. Kit includes chest skin, left mastectomy incision with staples and a normal right breast.

Right Leg

A replacement leg that articulates at the knee and ankle (left).

Right NIBP/Pulse Arm

A replacementnoninvasive blood pressure or pulse arm.

StethoSym Package

Part No: 253K580000
A StethoSym unit for the auscultation of patient simulator sounds.

Stoma Belly Plug

Part No: 105K602601
A replacement stoma plug for select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

SymDefib Box

Part No: 253K660000
An external defibrillation box that connects to a real defibrillator. This includes one set of defibrillation pads and an adapter. Designed for use with select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

SymDefib Physio-Control Adapter

Part No: 415KK00118
A replacement SymDefib control adapter for select Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

SymDefib Universal Pads

Part No: 253K660100
Replacement adult defibrillation pads to use with SymDefib.

SymDefib Zoll Adapter

Part No: 415KK00117
A SymDefin adapter for use with a Physio-Control/Lifepak monitor.


Part No: 253KK00087
A replaccement Samsung tablet.

Thigh Injection Pad

A replacement intramuscular injection pad for the thigh.

Touch Pro Patient Monitor

Part No: 253K532000
This TouchPro tablet is designed to be used as a simulated patient monitor.

Universal Plug

A replacement plug to use with tracheal or abdominal sites of Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

Universal Plug pack of 5

Five replacement plugs to use with tracheal or abdominal sites of Elevate Healthcare patient simulators.

USB-HDMI dongle

Part No: 024KK00205
A USB-HDMI dongle to cast augmented-reality video from the headset to a monitor.

Ventrogluteal Injection Pad

A replacement intramuscular injection pad for the ventrogluteal site.