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January 20 – 24, 2024

IMSH 2024

Idea. Innovate. Disseminate. Educate. Advocate

Event Information

January 20 – 24, 2024

San Diego, CA

IMSH stands as the largest global healthcare simulation conference, offering learning opportunities for healthcare professionals.

This is the 24th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). This is the premier scientific conference in healthcare simulation, IMSH empowers healthcare professionals with cutting-edge tools and resources to enhance skills, drive innovation, and improve patient safety.

This year’s event offers both an exceptional in-person experience and an evolving virtual IMSH. They have thousands of like-minded professionals in an environment that fosters knowledge exchange and action-oriented discussions. As a community the goal is to innovate, disseminate, educate, and advocate, propelling your healthcare simulation career forward.