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Démonstrations virtuelles

Ares EMS and Apollo Prehospital Simulator

Durée: 1 hour
Sasha Edwards, Virtual Simulation Demo Specialist
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Ares is a mid-fidelity simulator geared towards emergency care. This 1-hour demo will provide a head-to-toe overview of the manikins key features and accessories, observe Maestro operating software with modeled physiology and explore preconfigured simulated clinical experiences (SCEs). A side-by-side comparison with Apollo Pre-hospital manikin will take place to demonstrate options for emergency medical care.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

Analyze key features of Ares and Apollo Prehospital to boost simulation training. Highlight simulated clinical experiences (SCEs) equipped with Ares and Apollo, as well as additional accessories. Demonstrate modeled physiology software that propels the enhancement of fidelity when training learners and practicing professionals.

Présenté par
Sasha Edwards
Virtual Simulation Demo Specialist
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